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Monday, July 9, 2012

Doctor Who

Last night on Netflix, my Dad and brother were watching the TV show Louie, which is about a divorced comedian trying to date after having been married for 10 years. I didn't like it. After about 10 minutes of the TV show having stupid sex jokes that I of course didn't find funny, my Dad asked me why I was playing with Silly Putty on the couch. I told him it wasn't like I had anything else to do. He decided we should try Doctor Who. He hadn't ever seen Doctor Who before, and neither had I, but I had heard of it in a very positive way. I was just like, okay, and watched it. I enjoyed it a lot. It was weird, it was interesting, and it had British humor! :D Seriously, what else could you ask for from a TV show. Now I understand why everyone likes it.

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